Dedicated Team
Professional Individuals

It’s often said that “it takes a village to raise a child” and, at Hillside Primary Naalya, we wholeheartedly agree. From support staff and parents, to our Principal and teachers, we’re all ready to help our young people achieve their full potential.

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Mr. Okia Henry Stanley
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Deputy Principal
Ms. Kirungi Resty Atwooki
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Head Teacher
Mr. Ashaba Godfrey
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Deputy Head Teacher (Primary)
Mr. Batulabudde Frederick
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Deputy (Nursery School)
Ms. Khainza Miriam
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Head of Upper Section & P.7 Coordinator
Mr. Mwebesa Onesmus
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Head of Lower Section
Ms. Namuganyi Esther
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Head of Boarding Section
Mr. Ashaba Robert
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Senior Woman
Ms. Namutebi Annet Magezi